
Beautiful landscapes don't just happen overnight. Let us help you paint a roadmap for success.

Landscape Garden Consultation

Initial Consultation

This is often considered the first touchpoint with our clients.

  • We’ll take a brief stroll of your property and have a friendly chat to determine if we are the right fit for your project goals and aspirations

  • We’ll follow up with a questionnaire to best understand your vision and desires

Following this meet, you can decide your preferred course of action. Do you wish to have us undertake maintenance, to see how quickly we can shape up our property? Do you wish to have a more detailed property inspection, to reveal improvement potentials? Do you wish to see how your space can be redesigned, based on opportunities identified? Are you clear in your vision, and wish for a quick execution of work? Or perhaps you would like a combination of any or all of these services?

Following our initial consultation, we’d be happy to come up with a work plan that is bespoke to your budget and needs


Property Inspection

The deliverable is a detailed Consultation Report & Action Plan, containing observations to consider and short and long-term recommendations that will move you towards your ultimate vision.

*Note - this fee will be waived should you choose to enter into a design contract with us